(734) 523-8400

Home Maintenance Checklist

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    Home Maintenance Checklist

    October 5 2016
    It’s critical to maintain your property, be it a home or an office building. As long as you maintain the interior and exterior of the building, you will prevent future damage from occurring. There are some specific checklist items you should follow when keeping up with home maintenance.
    Checklist Items

    Home maintenance checklists involve monthly, quarterly and biannual home inspections. There are numerous tasks, some of which include checking the heater and a/c, checking the HVAC filters, the kitchen disposal, carbon dioxide and fire detectors, garage door features, water, electricity and more. There are also exterior checks, such as gutter and drain checks, chipping paint, damaged roof or trees that interfere with electrical lines. Finally, you can check plumbing, check for insect problems, bathroom grout and so much more.
    How Can OnSite Solutions Help

    OnSite Solutions provide property maintenance services and will handle all checklist items to ensure your property is in good condition. Their home maintenance services include both interior and exterior checks and repairs, as well as handyman services.

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