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What is Seasonal Property Maintenance?

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    What is Seasonal Property Maintenance?

    October 20 2016
    Along with a home maintenance checklist, it’s important to know which home checks are appropriate and necessary for specific times of the year. For instance, there are specific checks you should do monthly, four times a year and twice a year, but there are also checks you should do in the spring, summer, fall and winter.
    Seasonal Property Maintenance Checks

    Some specific seasonal tasks might include winterizing the a/c system, preparing the heating system and flushing outdoor water faucets in the fall. In the spring you may want to clean out gutters, clean dead shrubs, check drainage and prepare the a/c. During the summer it’s important to inspect plumbing, recognize insect problems, repair decks and clean the garage. The winter is time for cleaning sediment from shower heads, tightening locks, checking for ice dams and testing the electrical units.
    How Can OnSite Solutions Help?

    OnSite Solutions can assist with seasonal property maintenance by providing their expertise and handyman services. Property maintenance is critical to keeping up with your home and preventing future damage. By hiring the professionals at OnSite Solutions, they can help you ensure your property is prepared for each season.

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