(734) 523-8400

Roof Tarping - VersaPro Hero

Roof Tarping - VersaPro

Contact Us for Roof Tarping

For 24/7 Immediate Emergency Assistance call (734) 523-8400

    If your roof is suddenly damaged, you need 24/7 emergency response services that provide temporary roof tarping. This immediate action protects your home or business from further problems like water and pest infiltration and other structural damage. Contact VersaPro, serving the Metro Detroit area, for help day or night. Our emergency services are available around the clock with a 60-minute response time.

    Roof Tarping - With VersaPro
    Emergencies That Require Temporary Roof Tarping - VersaPro Is Who You Want

    Emergencies That Require Temporary Roof Tarping

    It’s not difficult to figure out when you need emergency roof tarping. If there is a hole in your roof that is visible from the exterior and especially visible from the interior, emergency roof tarping is an absolute necessity.

    Here are some of the most common roof problems that can occur in an instant:

    Flying debris: Debris can easily find its way onto your roof during a storm, leaving damage in its wake. Objects that are not meant to be airborne can be tossed around in heavy winds, from lawn furniture to already fallen tree limbs.

    Water damage: If there is water in your attic or anywhere in your home, you need roof tarping to prevent the problem from getting worse. Heavy rains and snow and ice buildup can cause additional damage, especially if a roof is old or already in poor condition. Water is a consistent threat to the integrity of roofing.

    Storm damage: High winds and hail can rip off roofing or leave damage behind. Lightning can do just as much damage too, scarring your roof or potentially starting a fire. Extreme wind can cause objects to become airborne and smash into your roof, leaving a hole behind.

    Falling tree limbs: If there are large, old trees surrounding your property, there is a high chance that limbs will be torn off during storms and potentially sent airborne. If a heavy tree limb falls onto your roof or is propelled into the roof, it can cause significant damage.

    VersaPro Emergency Roof Tarping Process

    When roof damage is so extreme that you need immediate intervention, emergency roof tarping prevents further infiltration from water, storms, or other threats. Contact the trained technicians at VersaPro to ensure that your home is secure and safe from additional damage. Here is what to expect from our experts:

    • Inspection: Entire roof is assessed for damage.
    • Documentation: Digital photos are taken and other relevant paperwork is completed.
    • Installation: Protective measures are taken quickly and a temporary roof cover is put in place to secure any damaged or open areas. Structural support is installed to prevent roof collapse, if necessary.
    • Cleanup: Debris and damage in affected areas are cleaned up.
    • Additional help: Other support and mitigation services are coordinated as needed to protect the home from further damage inside and out.
    The VersaPro Emergency Roof Tarping Process - VersaPro Tile and Masonry
    Contact  VersaPro for Emergency Roof Tarping - VersaPro Your Contractor for Your Roof Tarping Needs

    Contact VersaPro for Emergency Roof Tarping

    VersaPro technicians are wholly aware of a homeowner’s stress and concern when heavy weather or unexpected conditions affect the stability and safety of your home. Our emergency roof tarping service is designed to address what Mother Nature or other extreme circumstances dish out. Emergency mitigation and repair is essential – and even the toughest and most reinforced home is susceptible to damage.

    When you need the fastest response to home damage in the Metro Detroit area, VersaPro delivers. Our emergency services team is on call 24/7 and ready to response to your roof tarping needs within one hour. With our efficient and careful method, you will experience peace of mind and feel safer about your space.

    Contact us now to speak to a live operator. A team member will be dispatched to your location immediately for service.

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