(734) 523-8400

Tree Damage Repairs - VersaPro Restoration and Construction

Tree Damage Repairs

For 24/7 Immediate Emergency Assistance call (734) 523-8400

    Tree Damage Repairs

    Has a storm delivered major damage to your home or business? If your roof or walls have been hit by heavy trees or limbs dislodged by heavy winds or rains, if there are holes and water seeping in, reach out for immediate help from VersaPro Restoration and Construction. Get fast and thorough mitigation to secure your structure right away. Then, you and your trained technicians can settle on a plan for future tree damage repairs.

    Tree Damage Repairs - VersaPro Restoration and Construction
    Rapid Tree Damage Repairs After Storms - VersaPro Restoration and Construction

    Rapid Tree Damage Repairs After Storms

    The senses are engaged when you realize your home has been significantly altered by a falling tree or spinning limbs. You can see the damage, smell rain and foreign objects, maybe even reach out and touch the destruction. The immediate emergency work that occurs before complete tree damage repairs take place are fast, thorough, and typically include the following:

    • Assessment: Affected areas are reviewed right away and digital photos are taken of all damage.
    • Documentation: Documents are completed to outline the entire problem. This information is necessary for tree damage repairs and insurance purposes.
    • Action: Immediate action is taken to safely remove fallen trees and limbs so they cannot cause further damage.
    • Clean up: All damage and debris around the affected area is cleaned up and removed.
    • Mitigation: A temporary covering is installed to minimize further damage and prevent other unwanted elements from entering the home.
    • Shoring: If necessary, structural support known as shoring is installed to prevent the potential of roof or wall collapse.
    • Repairs: Additional repair services are coordinated to fix or replace the areas of your home or business negatively affected by storm damage.

    Why You Need Temporary Roof Tarping and Shoring

    When a home or business suffers sudden damage to the roof or structure, immediate action must be taken to prevent:

    A temporary cover is a powerful defense when installed properly in the right areas. Trained technicians determine whether shoring is needed for structural support too. Any damage to a building structure can result in collapse, no matter the size of the problem, and taking every precaution to prevent further destruction is non-negotiable.

    Why You Need Temporary Roof Tarping and Shoring - VersaPro Restoration and Construction (2)
    Types of Tree Damage Repairs - VersaPro Restoration and Construction (2)

    Types of Tree Damage Repairs

    It is impossible to predict the kind of damage a tree might do to a structure. Nature is often violent, and damage from rain, blizzards, hurricanes, floods, and other natural disasters can unexpected fall onto your home and tear the structure apart. It might not even be a tree or limb from your own property that finds its way to your home or office and causes chaos. Some of the most common problems that need tree damage repairs include:

    • Storm and wind damage: Storm winds are powerful and can lead to the need for tree damage repairs such as new roofing, replaced windows, and restored fencing.
    • Water damage: A hole a home in the wrong place can result in water pouring in and the need for roof repairs, drywall, new windows, and water remediation.
    • Fire damage: Storms and fallen trees easily start fires, especially if power lines are down or lightning strikes. A home or business touched by fire can be catastrophic and results in the need for massive tree damage repairs like rebuilding sections of the structure from the inside out.

    Get Emergency Tree Damage Repairs Right Away

    The emergency team at VersaPro offers comprehensive solutions to mitigate the situation at hand, providing electrical, HVAC, and plumbing solutions using generators and temporary equipment as needed for an efficient restoration process. You need your home to be with power and running smoothly after a disaster. VersaPro is here to help – right now. Contact us today!

    Get Emergency Tree Damage Repairs Right Away - VersaPro Restoration and Construction

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