(734) 523-8400

What is Property Preservation?

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    What is Property Preservation?

    April 18 2016
    Have you ever wondered what happens to foreclosed homes or vacant buildings before they’re resold? The time before resale can be a bit tricky since the building needs to stay usable and pretty. That’s why building owners or banks hire property preservation companies. These companies specialize in the upkeep of the inside and outside of buildings. They keep the building from going into disrepair. Property preservation companies perform yard work, basic repairs, and cleaning the inside.

    Structure preservation is all about the resell. Empty homes and buildings need to be kept safe and secure while still having curbside appeal.

    So what can you expect from property preservation companies?

    After the initial inspection, these companies will change all of the locks throughout the building to keep vandals away.

    Debris Removal
    Any hazardous garbage or debris will be promptly removed as well as anything that could invite infestation. However, personal belongings will stay until notified otherwise.

    The outside of the building or home will be taken care of. This means mowing, trimming and weeding.

    Vacant buildings are especially at risk during the winter. Burst pipes can cause expensive damages and may lower the value of the home. Property preservation companies will drain the water lines, add antifreeze to sinks and toilets, and shut off the water.

    If there are broken windows and doors, preservation companies will attach boards to ensure nothing/no one gets in.

    After the initial repair process is completed, these companies will continue to maintain and secure the building until the home is occupied. They will mow the lawn, remove snow, check the water heater, and even maintain the swimming pool. Property preservation companies are essential when buildings and homes are left empty for long periods of time with the goal of reselling.

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